I knew when the clock struck midnight on the 31st the world would not magically transform into a normal place again, though I did have a slight fear we’d wake up in a Groundhog Day situation… But 2021 feels like a fresh page and I have to have hope that things will turn out a little brighter this year.
When I decided to start this blog a little over a year ago I had so many intentions and plans to share all sorts of different things – regularly scheduled outfits and shopping inspiration boards, weekend travel diaries, recipes for yummy Pinterest finds and plenty of cocktails to name a few. The challenges we’ve all faced this last year changed that, as well as the focus of my daily life as I’m sure it did for you too. It was hard to feel inspired with everything going on and I didn’t know where to begin when it came to creating the content I really wanted to share. I also learned that making content calendars and schedules was not something that worked for me when it came to creativity. Who would have thought? I have an expertly organized Google Sheet for pretty much everything, but could never bring myself to check off the boxes for my blog or Instagram. Saving content I was really excited about for the right day or time took the joy out of sharing it and added other frustrations when say, it wasn’t the right day or time after all and the post didn’t do well. We’ve all been there and silly as it sounds, I have let these sorts of things bug me in the past.
This year, I intend to focus on creating and sharing when I’m feeling inspired to instead of forcing it and not entertaining the pressures of social media. I have always looked to blogs and social media for inspiration and a bit of an escape from the every day and truly want to create a space here that can be that for myself and hopefully some other folks too.
Cheers to a brighter 2021!
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