Happy 2024! A fresh page.
I like to view the new year with as much optimism as possible. A good time to reset and refocus priorities and goals for the year and add in new rituals to your daily routine.
Last January I vowed to take a tiny bit extra care of myself by applying lotion before bed each night. It’s all too easy for me to become lazy in the evenings when I’m particularly tired and the winter is so harsh on my skin. I thought adding this one small thing would make me feel better mentally and physically and it really has. After a few months it became a habit and now it’s been a year of this tiny self care moment before bed that I absolutely must do each night no matter what.
This year I am going to keep that up, and start something new. I’d love to say that’s going to be a consistent pilates schedule but we are still working out our new schedule as a family. I am positive that workouts will be a big part of my life this year as we’ve finally got Isabel sleep trained and I already feel like a new person sleeping through the night along with her. But I’m thinking more along the lines of reinstating weekly muffin day dates with Eleanor and keeping a journal. One of the things I have done during my pregnancies is keep a weekly diary of everything that is going on, how I’m feeling, etc. I have captured so much in those notebooks and I am so thankful to have those pages to look back on (and to refer back to when I was going through my second pregnancy). I have such a big worry that I am going to forget the sweet everyday moments with my girls, keeping a journal for myself sounds like a good way to make sure that I don’t.
What I’m up to lately and this month–
Watching— Only Murders
We are finally getting caught up. I’ve noticed they play the theme music in the background every time something happens with the obvious top suspect, but it can’t be that simple. Can it?
Listening— Gabby’s Dollhouse soundtrack
We’re still in our Gabby’s Dollhouse phase and the soundtrack has remained our number one request for car rides. And at home sing a longs. I am looking for a new audiobook to start the year off too. Something light, happy, and refreshing. Less murdery.
Making— Eat Bird Food’s Chickpea & Sweet Potato Curry
I just made this for the second time last night. It is so easy and so delicious! I had gotten away from cooking the last few years and it has been so nice to get back into it. I’ve actually found cooking to be soothing at the end of each day.
Doing— Paint touchups and fixtures in the hallway
There are a few spots in the hallway that need a little love. And we are replacing all of the door hardware. I just need to confirm that color in person for the knobs to make sure it is exactly what we’re going for color wise. Last up is our bedroom which I have started to create a moodboard for. I have an idea for the overall direction and a few pieces picked out but am still trying to figure out a few of the details. Dressers for one have been a huge roadblock for me. Finding the right style that is also good quality is so tough. Nothing is made of real wood.
Happy January!