9 May 2022

As Needed

So I’ve decided that I am going to really buckle down and focus on items already hanging in my closet this season. I love shopping and finding new pieces to add to my collection, but lately I have felt a lot like I don’t even know what I’m shopping for. I’m not shopping for work wear, or going out clothing, or even athletic wear. But I cannot wear a t-shirt to date night… Over the last few years I have been very selective about what I add to my closet, but I also went through a big life/style change. Therefore, I think now would be a good time to refocus and get to know myself again. I have so many things in my closet that belong to another version of myself. My personal style has gotten so much more casual. I’m also not really feeling the extreme directions the current fashion trends are in, very modest or very revealing. The in-between seems to be missing? Or very very expensive. And I am not going very many places anyway. I touched on this a little bit in my notes on the month post but having given it some more thought, I really like this idea.

My thoughts are to start by pulling everything out of my closet and focusing on the few items that are my true go-tos, the pieces I wear weekly and reach for over and over again. Then I think I’ll look for similar pieces in my wardrobe that might get overlooked because of that and find ways to rotate them in and other items to pair, mix and match with. It will be a little bit of a capsule I suppose. We’ll go from there and then pack away those items that are not working for me at the moment. Hopefully this will give me a little bit of clarity.

As a note, I don’t want to completely cut myself off from adding things. I know for a fact there will be a few things here and there that need updating or replacing. I don’t even want to think about my swimsuit drawer at the moment, but know that is one of those places that may need an update. My new approach will be to add “as needed” and see where we end up.

And along the way I will try my best to document my daily outfits.