19 October 2022

The Pumpkin Smash

Happy Wednesday! We are halfway through the week already and I can’t believe it. The first half of it has gotten away from me and I’m not too optimistic for the second half. I am very much looking forward to the weekend. We are planning to take Eleanor pumpkin picking. She has been so obsessed with pumpkins lately, I cannot wait to see her pick out one of her own. We’ve been reading a lot of Halloween books the last few weeks. Her current favorites are Five Little Pumpkins and It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse! We read them on repeat and now as we are starting to see pumpkins dot the neighborhood she gets so excited and points them all out. It is the sweetest thing in the world.

On the style front it has been a lazy week with lots of leggings. I really need to go through my closet and sort things out. I am also struggling to figure out the Mango shearling jacket. I was able to snag one and am having a tough time styling it. Maybe it’s the slouchy tees and leggings but it looks like the jacket is trying to swallow me whole. Not the cute look I see on literally everyone else. My goal is to try to style it one last time and see if that changes my mind, otherwise it goes back. Or, if anyone has been trying to get their hands on it I have a size small and am not optimistic. Will share this misadventure on stories later and then maybe we’ll have a vote.

In the meantime I was scrolling through old posts and came across this recipe for a pumpkin smash. I remember it well. Similar to the ice cream float version (which I highly recommend trying btw!), this is the original. I had even suggested topping it with ice cream and referring to the drink as pie in a glass halfway through. It was a good one, and one that will need revisiting in our lives so I figured I would share the recipe and some old photos c. 2014 here too.

The Pumpkin Smash

1 1/2 oz bourbon
1 oz brown sugar simple syrup
1 tbsp pumpkin puree
1/2 tbsp honey
1/8 tbsp cinnamon
dash vanilla
soda water

How to make —

Add bourbon, brown sugar simple syrup, pumpkin, puree, honey, cinnamon, and vanilla to a large glass or shaker. Shake with ice. Strain, pour into a glass and top with with soda water. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream if you’re feeling it. 

Enjoy! xx