I’m not typically one to sit down and write out a list of resolutions for the New Year. In years that I have my goals have been simple ones, like to work out more, eat healthier, be kind to myself. This year has brought a lot of change and growth that I am excited to move forward into 2022 with. The last few years have been tough for a multitude of reasons. We are still living in a pandemic, and things are feeling crushing at the moment. I like for this space to bring happy vibes but between the daily case numbers in New York right now and the CDC’s new and confusing guidelines which seem more like giving in than actual guidance, I feel frustrated. But also full of hope that there will be a light at the end of this tunnel coming soon.
In 2022 I would like to…
Redesign this space. I purchased this blog theme back when I had a different idea of how I would use this space and have been thinking a lot about revamping it in the coming weeks.
Stick to a regular posting schedule. That worked so well for me in the fall, and I loved sitting down each week to brainstorm and gather ideas and inspiration. It feels so much like the old days of blogging and I love it. Getting back to posts two days a week, very likely on Mondays and Wednesdays coming your way in January!
Post when the mood strikes. While sticking to a set schedule has helped me immensely, there have been several times where I have waited to click publish and the item that I am most excited about has long sold out by the time it is finally published — i.e. these glasses from this post. In these cases, when I am particularly excited about sharing something I do not want to tether myself to a schedule so there may be occasions where there are more than two posts a week because I just cannot wait to tell you all about it!
Tune out the frustrating bits. It is so easy to get caught up in frustrations. While this space is newer, I have been blogging for over 10 years now and over that course of time have met and connected with so many wonderful people. Unfortunately there have been a few not so pleasant encounters too, a few instances of blatant copying come to mind and I have let it bug me more than it should. I am aware, and I do appreciate it so much when pointed out so thank you. It is frustrating at times because I am very small in comparison and find it irksome to see my ideas (and sometimes exact sentences) replicated and profited off of on a much larger scale, and then copied by others. But that is par for the course when you share bits of your life online, isn’t it. The last time this happened I closed my blog and took a break for a bit. Not now. Now it only makes me want to work harder.
Focus on health. It has been a long year with lots of changes and I would very much like to get myself back into shape, resume my old workout schedule, and be kinder to myself. During my pregnancy I was so kind to myself all of the time and it was amazing. Now that my time has become more limited I have definitely found myself reaching for easy options over healthy ones and that needs to change.
That’s it for me. What are your intentions for 2022?
Wishing you and yours the happiest new year and all of the best luck for 2022!