Hi there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I had every intention to keep up with my March agenda and then poof, the month was gone.
We have been very busy around here prepping for Baby B’s arrival and making sure everything is ready to go. I haven’t had the energy to pop on and write or feel creative in this space and as I said in my first update of the new year – I am trying not to pressure myself into being creative when the juices are just not flowing. I think that is fair, though sometimes in life you do need to push through, but being as this is meant to be a fun space I think that rule doesn’t apply.
What has been going on?
We are now in the home stretch of this pregnancy and not knowing when Baby B will be making his or her debut is more challenging than I thought it would be. I am a planner by nature – I like to have a schedule, know all of the details ahead of time, and what to expect, but babies and pregnancy certainly do not adhere to that so I am trying my best to be patient and do what I can to help myself feel prepared. We have all of the important things squared away and ready to go, but I have definitely been panic ordering things here and there for the baby as I remember them. This weekend we tore apart and repacked the hospital bag to make sure it was organized and that everything we may need is in there. There are still a few bits and pieces that need to be added, like shower flip flops for JD and my slippers which I plan to cross off the list today.
Aside from that, we have been trying to enjoy this time, especially as the weather warms up and things start to bloom. Work has also been busy for both JD and myself, which has been a wonderful distraction at times.
What is my plan moving forward?
I have a few ideas up my sleeve for posts that I’d like to share soon!
Over the weekend I made a semolina bread for the very first time and it came out so perfect, I would love to share that recipe!
I have also had a serious shopping itch lately. All of the lovely Spring and Summer pieces coming out have me wanting to update my wardrobe. I keep reminding myself that I’m approaching 38 weeks pregnant and buying a new pair of jeans (I so badly want these) or a swimsuit I am likely not going to wear for a bit is an awful idea. But this jute bag – that’s a definite yes! (And can we please talk for a quick minute about how it is lined with a drawstring bag to keep all of your things neatly inside? I hate when basket bags are unlined, which is way too often!)
As far as taking time off from social media once Baby B is here goes I figure I’ll play it by ear. The plan is to be gentle with myself as we adjust, so if I’m feeling energized and inspired to continue writing and sharing right away I will. If I need a few weeks to get into the swing of things that is okay too. I think it’s a given we will all be pretty tired for a little bit so I’m hoping to get some of my new post ideas drafted and ready to go soon so I have some things on the horizon.
I hope that you have had a lovely weekend, and month of March for that matter as well since it’s been so long! And as always, thank you for reading and following along. I truly appreciate it!
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