We made it through January, the month that usually feels like a year. It’s funny how different it felt this time. With working from home and a slower pace of life I’m thinking it felt like less of a drag because we were able to enjoy it more. Maybe it’s because there were a million little things to do that made time go so quickly. Regardless, I was actually able to enjoy January for the most part, despite the challenges that came along with it and felt more productive and creative than I have in a while.
At the beginning of last month I wrote a post about my intentions for this blog for the new year and thought it might be nice to share a similar update again for February. I can’t say if this will become a regular monthly thing, but so far I’m enjoying setting mini goals and expectations for myself and this space.
What am I up to and what is to come?
To start, we have a new color scheme! As much as I love peachy pink hues I was craving something fresh, neutral, and more natural for a change of pace.
Lately I have been dreaming of all things Spring and plan to start adding some early season items to the shop in the next few weeks.
We (okay mostly just me) have also been on a big citrus kick. If you follow me on Pinterest (please do by the way!) you may already have caught on to this. I have been saving a lot of blood orange recipes and am planning to make a winter citrus salad inspired by this recipe soon. Hopefully I’ll be able to refrain from digging in long enough to snap a few photos to share here along with a recipe. I also have my eye on this meyer lemon coffee cake so that is going to need to happen as well! I know we are quite a ways off but I just cannot wait until our lemon trees start producing fruit!
This past week I have been working on a post chatting a little bit about my second trimester and some favorite products that have been helping me along the way. I cannot believe I’m already in my third trimester, it will be April before we know it! You can also check out my post chatting tips and tricks for dealing with first trimester morning sickness here if you find yourself needing them!
A few other drafts are also in the works which I hope to share soon! If there is anything you’d like to see, see more of, or have questions about feel free to send me a note or leave a comment letting me know.
Until then, happy Wednesday!