Hello, Happy February! I cannot believe how quickly January went. Can we all agree January was a hard month? Okay, good. Going to dive directly into this month’s agenda— I have been working hard on getting together the new site design and we are soooo close! At this point, there are just a few more things to work out/tinker with and we should be good. I can count the number of action items on one hand, which is exciting stuff! We are close and I am so excited for a fresh new design and if I’m being honest, to finish this project! I love working on projects like this, it is after all a large part of my professional life, but for me design is consuming. I can spend ages on the details and it takes forever to get things just right. I am not as tech savvy as I would like to be, and while the program I’m using is very user friendly/easy to figure out there is a learning curve, which also takes time. Anyway, I expect to be fully ready by Monday. Then I will have to focus all of my time on writing actual posts now won’t I?
This past weekend our little fam took a trip to visit JD’s mom and I realized just how much I needed to get out of the city. It was so nice, I cannot even tell you. Between winter, pandemic limitations, and the state of the city I have been rethinking where I’d like to call home. The plan is to continue with little getaways here and there for the foreseeable. I for one am ready for a refresh in February.
Coming up on the blog— This section, ugh. Last month was a wash post-wise for a multitude of reasons but as mentioned in my January notes, I do have a lot of drafts ready to go so those will be updated as needed and published accordingly because it is still a fresh new year and I would like to get back on track with sharing here. There is so much focus and time spent on social media and don’t get me wrong, I love to scroll, but I would love for this space to be the primary home for the content I dream up. There is so much that has not made it onto the blog that lives elsewhere. “Daily” outfits for example should have a home here where we can chat a little bit more about them.
Once I launch the new site I will do a little virtual walk through. And there is a new to me recipe on my agenda for this week and that I cannot wait to try! Also trying to get back into sharing cocktail recipes so stay tuned! Then there are a few style roundups on the horizon and some pre Spring goodies.
That’s it for me. Now back to work!