We still have a few more weeks of summer left but I can’t help but to feel excited for all that is to come. Falling leaves, the scent of pumpkin spice, cozy indoor scenes around a fireplace. It’s all too delicious, though a ways off. It will be warm here until November if we’re lucky, though sweater weather will arrive before then.
Lately I have been focused on enjoying every moment possible of the current season. Having spent some time at the beach last month was a dream. I’m still sorting through photos from our time away — forever a thing for me. My favorites folder is a mile long, and my camera roll, well, you can imagine. This weekend we fully intend to soak up as much of the summer sun as possible at the beach. Maybe we’ll take a ride out east for a glass of wine and a lobster roll. I certainly wouldn’t mind picking up a pie at Briermere too.
I’m never opposed to heading to the beach after season, but know that we will start to spend more time at our apartment in the coming weeks. It’s what seems to happen each year, life always seems to gets busier after labor day weekend. September brings a lot of busy to the table. Birthdays, work, plans. Speaking of, my birthday is next week and I am conflicted about how to spend it. I’m thinking ordering in from our favorite restaurant and maybe if the weather, and baby cooperates an outdoor movie night, my usual requests as of the last few years.
This week I launched the fall shop, maybe a little early but we’re all shopping for things here and there regardless of the season. I also wanted to note that I have been sharing a lot of my daily finds on my instagram stories so if you are not following me there, or on the LTK app I highly recommend that you do. Please & thank you.
I have been trying to share a lot more on a daily basis in general, including what I’m currently “reading”, or listening to. I put reading in quotes as I’ve been very into audiobooks lately. They are so easy to put on and listen to while getting work done, doing laundry, everything. It has been such a nice way for me to find the time to read since there isn’t very much of it to spend sitting on the couch curled up with a physical book these days. We are always in motion.
Coming up on the blog this month, you can expect to see a lot more fall ‘fits, stories, and inspiration. I am also toying with the idea of launching a newsletter to share more personal stories, day to day musings. I love sharing bits of life on this blog but sometimes, some things feel a bit too personal to share in such a permanent space if you know what I mean. Is that something you would be interested in? Let me know.
Happy September and happy weekend friends!
[ all images via ]