April has come and gone and so much has changed. It was a month that marked the end of an era for us as we said goodbye to our city apartment and officially moved out to the suburbs. It feels strange to have left the city. I don’t think my mind has fully processed it yet. Our apartment was great when it worked for us. Our plan when we moved in was to have our first child there and move to a bigger apartment down the line when we needed to, but the pandemic changed so much about the city and the rents increased so drastically, it no longer made sense for us to look for a larger apartment. To get everything we would need in a space now costs more than double what it did when we hatched this plan. We always knew we would one day want to have a home outside of the city and now is that time. We are so excited to start this new chapter, and to tackle all of the projects I’ve been dreaming up. Decorating is going to be so much fun and I plan on documenting it here and on my socials as we embark on this new adventure.
These last few weeks have been busy. My dining and living room are currently a sea of boxes. It is challenging to get set up with a toddler and a newborn, more than I thought it would be. You need to prioritize in a whole new way. It is a slow process but we are working our way through it, then it will be on to the updates and things we would like to do to the house and one day with might be able to relax.
This month I plan to get back to a normal schedule with this space and ig — writing and sharing more as we go. Also on lemon8, which has quickly become one of my favorite apps! If you haven’t made your way over there yet it is best described as a combination of pinterest and old instagram. The focus is on photos and connecting with other users. It is amazing how many new people I have met in such a small amount of time that I have never seen on other social media platforms.
Personally — our little love is now two months old and has just had her first shots so we are hoping to make it out to a few wineries soon. I’ve missed getting out and about and am looking forward to some warmer, sunny weather. The near constant cloud cover has been tough, especially to visualize paint colors, a saga in itself which I have been documenting on stories. Get ready for a lot more home content to come as we figure our this new space of course.
I hope April was good to you and that May is even better.