We made it to Friday! This week has felt longer than usual, has it not? I am exhausted and very excited for the weekend. Fingers crossed the weather is nice and we can spend some quality time outdoors. I know it’s early but I am dreaming on picnic in the park days. We have this little spot we like to sit out of the way nearest to the 72nd street entrance. It’s a good one for many reasons, one of which being we got JD and I got engaged there, another being my favorite ever birthday picnic with my Mischa girl. I could go on and on. Anyway, I’m feeling very ready for some warmer temps and time spent outside. Hopefully that can happen soon, but in the meantime I wanted to share a few things that have recently come across my radar.

I shared this cutie floral print jacket on my Instagram stories earlier in the week and it was such a hit. I personally love it, and discovered it from @ameliastyles and @curatedbyking on IG. It was an instant order and I cannot wait to put our girl in it.
Also found this lidded basket while browsing. I have been looking for a cute solution to contain the wires in the living room. I’m talking our computer cables, chargers, etc. while we are not using them so they can remain accessible while not being on the floor, left out. It should be arriving to me any moment now so will have to report back on how it works out.
This skirt! The print is so sweet and reminds me so much of a dress I had way back in the day. I am daydreaming of pairing it with an oversized sweater and sneakers. Very much like the outfit in one of the snapshots from this post. I need to recreate that look as soon as the weather will allow!
Lately I have been on the lookout for a cute new wallet/card case. I have been using the same one for ages now and it has come to the point where it could use a little updating. I haven’t decided which direction I’d like to go in—back to a more traditional wallet or stick with a card case. I really like the simplicity of this wallet and the cool blue hue. This is the direction I am leaning at the moment as it allows for a place to stow change. But, the color block puzzle detail of this card case is so good. Thoughts?
And finally, this blue and white enamel colander. When I say I have been looking for a cute colander forever I mean it. I randomly came across this one via a Google search. It comes in three different sizes and looks to be exactly what I have been looking for. Now just need to decide on the size.