Happy February! I can’t believe the new month has already arrived. January usually feels more like a full year than four and a half weeks of winter. This year it has kept me very busy on all fronts and as dreary as it has been weather-wise, it has been going by at record pace. Lots of exciting things are on the horizon and I cannot wait to share more. But for now…
What I am up to this February —
Could it be baby month? I’m due right on the cusp of February and March so only time will tell. We are getting very close and it is both exciting and terrifying. I have heard from so many mamas that going from 0 to 1 is as bigger hurdle/life adjustment than 1 to 2, but I am full of nerves at the moment. In the meantime I am trying to slow down and focus on enjoying the last few weeks of it being just us and with Eleanor, and Finn. Finny lately has taken on a real nanny role with her, it’s funny to watch them try to give each other commands and keep each other in line. They have been so good and patient with me and each other. And I have been working extra hard to make sure they are getting along with each other as Eleanor navigates toddlerhood and Finn discovers what a toddler is. He is very into his routines and it’s been challenging for him (and his rigid nap schedule) to go through each new phase with her. Sometimes it feels like as soon as we all get our bearings, it all changes again. We’re figuring it all out as we go and I know that this new babe will fit in perfectly and it will be like we never knew life before.
Site-wise my drafts folder has only expanded as I’ve gotten delayed these last few weeks. I’m working through it and have a few fun posts lined up, almost ready to go.
I am also feeling very ready for some warm spring weather and spring style! It’s been so hard for me to want to shop these last few weeks as I am living in leggings and oversized sweaters, but nesting mode that has kicked in recently and I am all about going through my closet, paring things down, and reevaluating my wants and needs in that department. I will definitely be keeping an eye on the end of season sales for forever staples and hope to share some of those finds via Friday Fives and roundups. Then on to all things spring after, once things settle down.
One final note — I’m not quite sure how I’m going to handle maternity leave when it comes to blogging and social media. The plan, same as last time is to be gentle with myself and feel it out. Blog posts may slow a bit, but my goal is to continue sharing our life and little adventures as usual as much as I can.
Up next —
What’s going in my hospital bag — stay tuned!
[ all photos via ]