I have not been feeling it lately. Is Mercury in retrograde? The astrology gurus of TikTok have been missing from my for you page so I have no idea but I have just been feeling so off lately. Astrology is something that fascinates me. I don’t know very much about it but am trying to learn. I’ve noticed for example since having my babies that they encapsulate their signs so well. And I fall into mine as well, which annoys me because I don’t like it.
Not very much has changed since last week when I wrote my March letter, but I have a few things in the works.
I am working on a logo update to my site. Things have remained the same for a little too long as I have let this space sit dormant for a bit. I am planning to change some things around, make tiny updates here and there. I love tinkering with the design. Now only to find the time to do it.
Listening to —
For years I have created playlists for the year, adding to them as we go. I’ve found it to be such a nice way to reflect and remember moments in time. Whenever I revisit them I am immediately brought back to that place. Music has such a special ability to do that. 2023 was a wash. My playlist only has a handful of songs as I forgot to add to it through the haze of having a newborn, moving, adjusting to life outside of the city, etc. I’m working on retroactively adding those now and keeping up with 2024 as best I can. Right now I am listening to Folklore/Evermore and Eleanor is very into the “Goodnight Sun” song from Daniel Tiger. We have listened to it every night after dinner this week.
I most recently made this carrot cake for Finny’s 5th birthday party. It is so good!
Shopping for—
Spring things! My wardrobe is need of a major update of spring/summer styles. I didn’t shop very much last year newly postpartum and quite honestly, my body is still very much in postpartum mode. I am very excited to update a few things and breathe some new life into my closet.
That’s it for now. Talk soon!