End of the month notes seem to have become a pattern. I’m not thrilled about it and would like to reverse next month, which is in a few days now isn’t it. On the bright side, it is officially spring. The weather hasn’t quite caught the drift in the northeast, but we have been spending more and more time outdoors, which has been so nice. I’ve made a rule that we must get outside for a minimum of a half hour a day and it has been a huge mood booster. It’s amazing how such a tiny change in routine can be so uplifting.
We have been up to a lot lately, it feels like we have been busier than ever. It feels like we’re overdue for a little life update.
We all watched Love is Blind right? I mean, it is all the whole of the internet was talking about for a while. Well I just finished it. Going into it with zero prior knowledge of the show or how it works I was kind of disappointed when we got to the end and you find out who got married, stayed together, and who didn’t. I loved the reunion show though, which surprised me. I really miss Below Deck Med/Australia.
In a surprise twist Folklore has been topping the charts in this house the last few weeks. Sad Taylor and rainy weather just pairs so well. Eleanor on the other hand has broken down Uncle Harry’s albums into “daytime” and “nighttime” categories and requests them for nap, bedtime, and dance parties by these titles. Daytime is Harry’s House, nighttime is Fine Line. His self titled is unclassified incase you were wondering.
I have been on a major broccoli kick lately. The girls absolutely love it so it is always heavy in rotation. There is a specific dish I want that I am trying to remember from another life, our city days where dinners out didn’t require any prior planning or a small army to tackle childcare. It was crispy and cheesy and somewhere on a menu in the West Village and I am on a mission to recreate it.
Somehow we have found the time to decide on paint for the final room, our bedroom, and plan to tackle that in April. The goal is to get it done before Eleanor’s birthday which feels excessively tight given our track record. We either drag it out for months or decide to paint through the night to meet some ridiculous deadline. We were taking plastic doorways down minutes before Christmas on our last project. I am forever amazed by the talented women I follow on social who find the time to wallpaper and paint entire houses so quickly.
Let’s do this again in a few days, shall we?