This year is all about resetting. Goals, intentions, everything.
I’m going into 2025 with a fresh outlook and a list of wants for the year. One of them is to breathe new life into this space. I miss writing, sharing, and creating. Having allowed myself the time to take the pressure off last year was much needed. I’m ready to feel inspired again and I hope you are too.
My social media feeds have been flooded with Ins and Outs, vision boards, and summery imagery and plans for trips to Nantucket. It appears we are all trying to live our best Nancy Meyers lives this year.
I made a vision board myself for the very first time. The rule was to select only images that make you feel something. A spark of excitement and a click of a button later there it was and I realized that I had been making mini vision boards all along. Each monthly letter to my readers was accompanied by a small collage of my “mood” going into the new month, setting the tone. But the vision board is bigger. It feels like a collecion of goals to be taken seriously and I honestly feel so inspired when I look at it. I’m excited to compare the photos I take over this year to the ones on my vision board come December and see how far I’ve come.
Some things I am doing this year—
Setting achievable monthly goals.
I bought a dry erase calendar to track my workouts because as much as I like the ones in the apps, I respond better to having a more visible, physical record. There is something about sitting down and writing in each class/session/walk that helps me stay on track better.
One thing I am really excited to do is get back into cooking. I used to cook and bake all the time. While making cookies with the girls for Christmas I decided it would be fun to flip through some of the beautiful cookbooks on our shelves and make one “new” recipe from them a week. Of course, there can be repeats. We have our favorites after all.
Prioritizing taking time for myself.
This is the hardest thing for me. Taking the time, making it a priority, and sticking to it is something I have been working on. I am starting small to build the foundation for each new routine until self care and me time becomes something I don’t struggle to fit into my schedule or feel guilty
Setting boundaries.
Before having Eleanor I started setting boundaries for myself and my family. As a recovering people pleaser it was really important to me to stand firm on them. There has been some backsliding over the last couple of years, especially with out move. Watching my sister become a mom and set boundaries of her own has jolted that part of me awake again. This year we will be reinstituting some of those boundaries that have fallen away.
What kind of goals are you setting for yourself in the new year? Are you a resolutions type of person or more new year, same me? Regardless, I am wishing you all the best and year filled with the things that make you happiest.