13 March 2023

The Hospital Bag Update

So, I packed my hospital bag this time around based on what I had brought with me and actually used or wanted when I had Eleanor and wow, how little of this actually made it out of the bag during our stay. That being said, I wanted to share the original list and share what I did and did not use this time around.


String lights  SHOULD HAVE USED BUT DID NOT. When we got to the recovery room after delivery I asked JD to pull these out to plug in but we got distracted by ordering food and forgot. We kept the lights off in our room for the most part and were just fine. I forgot to ask for him to dig them out again.
I loved this tip of creating soft light in the hospital room by bringing a string of lights. Hospital lighting can be bright, especially at 3am. We brought a short strand, plugged them in, dropped them on the counter, and didn’t turn the big lights on in the room the entire stay. It was so easy and made the room feel so much more cozy. I plan to do this again, or maybe bring a battery operated nightlight instead.

Pajamas — NOPE. I brought two pairs and ended up wearing the Frida Mom nightgowns the hospital provided during our stay. This was not something that was around/available to us last time and it largely depends on your hospital so I would still recommend bringing your own pjs.
Comfy pajamas for the recovery room are a must. I stayed in my pjs the entire time postpartum with Eleanor, even when I was readmitted. I plan to bring this cute short set, and this nightgown. I am usually a pajama shorts girl, but you never know and options are good to have on hand.

Coming home outfit — YES.
Something that is not pajamas for the trip home. I haven’t fully decided on this just yet, but I am thinking a sweater and some sort of soft pants for the ride home.

Daytime outfit — KIND OF USED. I was happy to have my cardigan with me and did wear it during our stay. But after my shower I opted to put on a fresh nightgown vs. sweatpants and a nursing tank.
I am packing this sweater with the thought of pairing it with my pajamas incase it’s chilly in the hospital room instead of bringing a robe. A lot of people recommend bringing a robe but I did not reach for it once last time. I am also thinking to bring a nursing tank or two and a pair of cozy sweatpants for daytime if I want to get out of my pajamas at some point.

Slippers — YES. A must have.
The hospital will provide the socks with the grippy bottoms, but I am planning to bring my slippers so I don’t have to wear socks walking around the room and then get back into bed with them.

Shower flip flops — YES. A must have.
Just bring these.

Snacks — YES. I was very happy to eat the cookies and clif bars, less interested in the salty snacks post birth.
We are bringing some clif bars (moreso for JD), my beloved Tate’s chocolate chip cookies for me for once baby is here, and some chickpea puffs for a salty balance incase the sweet tooth immediately evaporates again. When I gave birth to Eleanor the hospital kitchen was closed and JD wasn’t allowed to leave, then I was being monitored for a bit before we were moved to the recovery room. The sweetest nurse went and found me a bare bones turkey sandwich and it was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. I had brought sour patch kids thinking I’d want to eat all the sugar asap and a bunch of things for JD that I could not eat at the time so snacks you think you’ll want to eat are key incase you get stuck at an odd hour. Now that I think about it, I may toss a jar of soup in the bag as well, just incase.

Toiletries — YES. And I did use my eyebrow gel.
Bring the things you use at home every day — shampoo, conditioner, soap/body wash, makeup, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balmhair brush, etc. They will help make you feel like you again. I also wanted to note that I put makeup on this list and know that I personally will not be reaching for it as I barely wear any as it is day to day now. But, I will likely toss my eyebrow gel in because that is one thing I might want.

Long phone chargers (x2) — YES.
A must have.

Water bottle — NOPE. The nurses advised us to grab a bunch of the mini water bottles instead so we did.
I vividly remember being so thirsty, I could not get enough water. This time I will be bringing my own water bottle with me to keep on hand so I’m not driving the nurses crazy asking for refills every 10 seconds. I think JD will be allowed to go on water runs this time, which will be helpful and I will be less of a nuisance to the lovely hospital staff.

Nipple balm — YES. Love this stuff! It has been so helpful.  
I am using this one again. It worked well for me postpartum with Eleanor so I am sticking with it.

Nursing bras — NO. I did not bother putting a bra on during my stay, but we also had no visitors. If we did I probably would have put a bra on for a few.
Self explanatory. The nursing bra saga I went through last time though, my goodness. I liked this one for everyday and this one for pumping.

Belly support band — NO. This was a lifesaver for me postpartum with E. I have not put it on once at this point. I feel like I probably should have or could have for extra support but haven’t felt the need to.
I used this one after my first pregnancy when it felt like all my organs were floating around inside of my body with no rhyme or reason. It really helped me feel more stable. I was very lucky that my bump vanished almost immediately so can’t say if it helped my belly go back to “normal” any quicker, but the extra support was very helpful, especially on walks. I needed all the help I could get while I waited for my abs to regain some strength.


Coming home outfit  YES.
I’m bringing two options in different sizes just incase baby surprises us by being bigger than expected.

Swaddle blanket YES.
For snapping a cute photo in the hospital.

Carseat  YES.
Self explanatory. If you are driving baby home from the hospital you need this.

Carseat cover  YES.
For the very short walk to the car from the hospital. You would be surprised how many people on a NYC sidewalk will stop and try to peak their heads into the carseat to get a look at a brand new baby stepping out of the hospital. We had Eleanor in April 2021 when covid was rampant and vaccines were just becoming available and I was low key horrified.

Large tote  YES.
For any items coming home from the hospital with us. The nurses loaded us up with so many things before we left last time and I did not have anything to put half of them in.


Finally, there are two things I wanted to note that I brought with me last time that I didn’t end up needing and will not be bringing this time.

Breastfeeding pillow — DID NOT BRING. Did not need to bring.
To each their own with this one, but I ended up needing to learn how to breastfeed in general before we moved on to the pillow. Even then it was a lot of trial and error. I’ll be completely honest. My supply was not there and it took us nearly 12 weeks to come to terms with that. Once I found the right set up for us and started supplementing with formula our entire world changed and everything got so much easier. This time around I am hopeful that knowing what to do going in will allow for the establishment of a better supply, but I am also going to be open to the idea that I may need help by way of formula a lot sooner. Fed is best. Anyway, this is the pillow I ended up using with Eleanor and loved it. I am planning to replace it with the waterproof version for this babe!

Stroller fan — DID NOT BRING. Did not need. I really thought I might need a fan because I ran so hot throughout this pregnancy, but again for me personally that was not the case. There was a point during labor where I was shivering and asked for more blankets. Go figure.
Truth be told I’m still on the fence with this one. Up until last week this was absolutely not making the cut. I brought the stroller fan with me to the hospital when I had Eleanor at the recommendation of every person I know and did not need it. I remember being cold and under blankets the whole time and not needing any additional cooling. The reason I’m on the fence right now is because last week I walked Eleanor to the doctor and heard so many people on the street complain about how cold it was out. I was wearing a regular weight winter coat with a sweater and was sweating. So. Much. As they say, every pregnancy is different and I may need it this time. If there is room I might pop it into the bag.