Another gift guide before we all head off into the long holiday weekend and hopefully score some good deals in all of the Black Friday / Cyber Monday sales going on this week. It’s so nice that they’ve started so early this year. It definitely eases some of the pressure to log on early Friday AM. I am traditionally late to those sales. And this year, being pregnant and all I have very little interest in shopping for myself. I digress.
This gift guide is for the little ones. I had Goldie Girl in mind while compiling it so I would say it skews more towards toddler than any other age group.
Sherpa chair | A very cute little chair that comes in so many colors and can be personalized with their name.
Enchanted playbox | I shared this play set a while back to my IG stories. It is the cutest thing!
Reindeer & Book | We love Jellycat in this house. Her bunny and cow are her two favorites at the moment.
Wicker stroller | They call this a “strolley” — a stroller and trolly hybrid, and it is the most darling thing.
Play kitchen | This play kitchen has the sweetest details. Though it is a little large for our apartment.
Snowsuit | We got this brand of snowsuit for E last winter and it kept her so warm and cozy. Love this floral print!
Mini chef chopping board | To go with the play kitchen, of course!
Train Set | A very cute train set.
Double-sided tabletop easel | One of the things I’ve already ordered for the little artist. The versatility of this easel is wonderful.