Hello! As promised today we are here to talk about holiday home decor. I know, I know. It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but this year is different with hard shipping deadlines and a long year it feels like we are all ready to spring straight into Christmas. I am not going to lie, a wreath I ordered last week arrived and I put it up instead of tucking it away until after Thanksgiving. I also took Eleanor’s little Christmas tree down, though I promise you I have not set it up yet. I am trying my best to exercise some restraint! Speaking of these two items, let’s get into it.
I have loved the idea of setting up a mini Christmas tree for little ones since seeing Styled Snapshots talk about this years ago and bookmarked it for the future. I ordered Eleanor’s tree a while back incase it sold out (spoiler alert — it did) before the holiday season and have since been on the hunt for cute kid friendly ornaments. Felt or boiled wool have been my search terms and I am happy to report that I have been able to find a lot of cute options at affordable price points! Target surprisingly has a lot of options!
The image below is clickable!
I feel like I owe a post going more into depth on how we decorate our apartment for the holidays, but for now I will leave you with these two items that I am very excited about. I saw this wreath last year, loved it, added to my cart and then let it sit for a couple of days while I added other things. Unfortunately by the time I got back to it had sold out, so I made a note to look out for it this year and as luck would have it, the wreath is back! For now. I did however succeed at ordering this pre-lit garland last year and loved it so much. We draped it over the mirror in our living room. I just loved the look! JD suggested we order a second one, but by that point it had already sold out so I ordered another one this year. I am so excited to put it up, I am thinking this one will go across the credenza, which we recently moved to sit against the living room wall pictured in the photo earlier.
Clickable image below!
Tell me — have you starting decorating already this year?